Genetic Profiling

Health & Wellbeing Profile

The Health and Wellbeing genetic profile report is an in-depth analysis of the genetic variations that can influence the way the body responds to what we eat, how we exercise and the way we live.

The report is based on the science of nutrigenomics which looks at the interaction between your genes, nutrition and lifestyle choices, and how these influence the genes’ messages.  These messages instruct your body on how it should respond to external influences such as diet and lifestyle choices.

The good news is expression of the genes analysed is modifiable, which means our genes are not our destiny.

Effectively, how your genes are reacting to external factors is analysed and reported on, and a plan to address any negative reactions prepared, based on your unique genetic profile and needs.  The profile reports are unique and provide me, as your practitioner, with a powerful resource to design a health plan that is highly personalised.

The information in the gene testing is particularly important in that it will give us detail on the capability of detoxification pathways; methylation and homocysteine metabolism; cell defence mechanisms; inflammatory response; vitamin D receptors; cardiovascular health; fat and cholesterol metabolism.  This information will be able to give us definite direction in regards to how to get your body functioning optimally over your lifetime.

Package cost is $860 and includes test kit; Lab cost; analysis & interpretation; writing initial summary report; 60-minute online consultation to discuss results and solutions. As a registered Practitioner, I can guide you through this process from start to finish.

Carb Choice / AMY1

Carb Choice is a personalised genetic profile report of the AMY1 gene, which determines how effectively you metabolise starch from carbohydrates.  AMY1 is a gene that produces the enzyme amylase.  Amylase is found in saliva and plays a major role in digestion of starch, which is a carbohydrate found in grains, legumes, fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Variations within the AMY1 gene influence how well your body can breakdown and process starch, meaning that some people can tolerate these carbohydrates better than others.  Starch is the most common carbohydrate included in human diets however, there is a considerable range of variation between cultures of dietary starch intake.

Test your AMY 1 gene to help you understand:

  • How effectively do you metabolise and tolerate carbohydrates
  • How effectively do you metabolise and tolerate gluten
  • Do carbohydrates put you at an increased risk of being overweight
  • Do carbohydrates put you at an increased risk of having diabetes
  • How many grams of carbohydrates can you eat per day
  • What type of carbohydrates should you avoid
  • How effectively do you use your carbohydrates for energy

Who should test their AMY 1 Gene?

Anyone who wants to understand how their body metabolises and tolerates carbohydrates and make the best dietary choices for themselves.

  • Gluten intolerant or Celiacs
  • Food sensitivities
  • Struggling to lose weight or maintain weight loss
  • Diabetic or insulin resistant
  • Gut dysbiosis under or over growth
  • Autoimmune issues
  • Persistent infections such as thrush or urinary tract infections
  • Have periodontal (gum) disease

Package cost is $330

This includes the test kit; Lab cost; analysis & interpretation; and 40 minutes online consultation to discuss results.  As a registered Practitioner, I can guide you through this process from start to finish.

Book an appointment get started on your journey to health today.