Stress & Anxiety

The reasons for Stress and Anxiety can be many and varied.  Both have many causes, and physical and mental manifestations, in the human body. I have extensive experience with treating each of these in my clinic as it is has been an area of focus for me for some years now.  I have a very good success rate with turning these conditions around. You will find I have a compassionate and caring approach so make an appointment today in order for me to assist you with your return to health and vitality.

Understanding Stress

The highly targeted adrenal fatigue programme used in my clinic, may help your adrenal glands cope with stress, and providing you make the appropriate diet and lifestyle changes, you should not have to suffer the health destroying effects of stress in the 21st century.

Read more about Adrenal Fatigue.

Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms

Cognitive Symptoms
Memory problems
Inability to concentrate
Trouble thinking clearly
Poor judgment
Seeing only the negative
Anxious or racing thoughts
Physical Symptoms
Headaches or backaches
Muscle tension and stiffness
Diarrhoea or constipation
Nausea, dizziness
Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
Weight gain or loss
Skin breakouts (hives, eczema)
Emotional Symptoms
Constant worrying
Loss of objectivity
Fearful anticipation
Moodiness or short temper
Irritability, impatience
Inability to relax
Feeling tense and “on edge”
Feeling overwhelmed
Sense of loneliness and isolation
Depression or general unhappiness
Behavioural Symptoms
Loss of sex drive
Frequent colds
Eating more or less
Sleeping too much or too little
Isolating yourself from others
Procrastination, neglecting responsibilities
Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)
Teeth grinding or jaw clenching
Overdoing activities (e.g. exercising, shopping)
Overreacting to unexpected problems
Picking fights or arguments

Book an appointment get started on your journey to health today.